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Nutritional Microscopy is a method used to view the current state and quality of your blood.

A single living drop of your blood, taken from the tip of your finger, is put under a microscope and magnified 1000 times or more.


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Providing you with a clear visual of your blood’s behavior and differs from the “staining blood” method that is commonly used in medical laboratories that search for diseases, as they stain it with chemicals which kill it, therefore lots can be missed under the microscope from the blood’s behavior.

I do not use Live Blood Analysis for diseases themselves, or as a diagnostic tool, but to see any changes within your blood ecosystem relating to the digestive system health, and especially due to stress activity.

This is a great tool to use when going through a Detox program, as to witness the difference of toxicity before and after a course of colonics and enema treatments.

Nutritional Microscopy (also called Live Blood Cell Analysis) was a life changing experience for me. I credit the Live Blood Cell Analysis with highlighting areas of my health that I didn’t know about or understand. It was a key to me taking control of my own health and wellness. It amplified the condition of my internal environment and influenced me greatly in moving toward future health. Live Blood Cell Analysis can amplify curiosity about your health and provides you with an altering awareness that quite easily increases your determination to make necessary changes to better yourself.

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